Hi there,
In an old projekt I used a shortcode for a radiobutton to get show an image, like this:
[types field="altersklassen" option="0" state="checked"]<img style="width: 45px; height: 45px;" src="hidden link" alt="G-Jugend Bambinis U7" />[/types]
It works fine!
Now in another case I need to a shortcode asking for the status of a select field to output a Elementor Shortcode.
Is this possible too?
The Elementor Shortcode shows a specific button depending on the value of a select field. How to trigger the select field an the value?
Any suggestions?
All the best from Germany
You'd need to listen to the Select Field, in the HTML condition.
[types field='select-field-slug'][/types] outputs the value of the selected option
So all you need to do is check on that value:
[wpv-conditional if="( $(wpcf-select-field-slug) eq '1' )"]YES[/wpv-conditional]
"1" above corresponds to the value saved in the option of the select field