Tell us what you are trying to do? I have five tabele (bandiere, stemmi, gonfaloni, sigilli, altre immagini) related to one table (collaborazioni) in a relationship one to many. This table is also connected with collaboratori , also in one to many relationship. I want to have with 5 relationships with many to many link beetween bandiere, sigilli ... and collaboratori.
I tried to have a view from which I exctracted a csv file with only collaborazioni_intermediary id_bandiere_collaboratori (such as in fig, 2). But i don't know how to import with all import plugin for toolset
Is there any documentation that you are following?
Sorry for the wait for a reply, the queue has been busy.
Can I clarify. Your question is about how to import the data into relationships you have already set up using Types (so you have, is it, 5 many-to-many relationships with collaborazioni, plus a one-to-many relationship between collaborazioni and collaboratori)? Or did you need any help setting up the relationships?
I have read that "Many-to-many relationships that use the intermediary post type are not supported by the WP All Import plugin. If you need this kind of support please let us know".
So how can I do? I have a csv file perfectly extracted from previous data types bandiere and types collaboratori. And I have an intermedary id. The relation ship bandiera_collaboratore Bandiere [*] << bandiera_collaboratore >> Collaboratori [*]
I think it could be so easy to import but it's very hard.
It is apparently possible with the Ultimate CSV Importer Pro plugin, though when testing this for someone else today I struggled to get it to work, though the client eventually was able to.