I would like to organize my post based on State and County in the U.S.
I have a toolset form for the public user can submit and post. When they choose a location. I would like to let them choose a state from pull-down menu from the main taxonomy items first and the second pull-down shows only counties relevant to the chosen state.
How can I make it and how can I mass import the list of states and counties like that? Any good database?
Is there any documentation that you are following?
Is there a similar example that we can see?
any real estete database or car shopping site that narrow down a state or brand and a city or car model one by one.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
I would like to organize my post based on State and County in the U.S.
I have a toolset form for the public user can submit and post. When they choose a location. I would like to let them choose a state from pull-down menu from the main taxonomy items first and the second pull-down shows only counties relevant to the chosen state.
How can I make it and how can I mass import the list of states and counties like that? Any good database?
There is no such feature that exists to add such dependent dropdown to Toolset form so that when you select the option from the first dropdown it should update the options on the second dropdown that display the related options belongs to the selected option of the first dropdown.
I'm afraid that I do not have any workaround to share that can help you to implement such a dependent dropdown list state and country. However - I suggest you file a feature request using by filling the form available with the following link:
=> https://toolset.com/home/contact-us/suggest-a-new-feature-for-toolset/