Tell us what you are trying to do?
I am working on a gaming event website. I would like to have two classes of users: Players and Employees. The Employee can create an Event and the Player can then RSVP for that Event. Following the conclusion of each Event, the Employees need to report the Results (outcome) which will update the lifetime stats of each participating Player. The main data points to manage are the date and location of the event, the amount of players who attended the event, the top 5 place winners of the event and then the individual scores of each player.
My thinking was to start with three separate CPT's: one for Events, one for RSVPs and one for Results (of the event), giving the Event and RSVP a relationship while also giving the Event and Results a relationship. This should give the Player the ability to create an RSVP that is related to an Event, and give the Employee the ability create a single Event and allow them to assign individual player stats to a Results CPT that would be related to an existing event.
To start:
Employee-1 Creates Event-A...
Player-1 Creates RSVP-A which is related to Event-A...
Following the event conclusion of Event-A:
Ability for Players to RSVP Event-A ends...
Employee-1 Creates Results-A which is related to Event-A and assigned to Player-1...
Employee-1 repeats this for all players.
Player-1 would then visit the site following the conclusion of Event-A and Read All Player Results (A thru Z) on the Event page and their updated stats on Player-1 Profile page.
Immediately I found one major flaw... the only way to assign a Player to Results was to use Author, but this won't work for the permissions I want a Player to have. Players should only be able to read events, RSVP events, and read the results: nothing more. Thus, I can't give them authorship access to the Results CPT.
If we could, I would like to start with solving the problem of how to assign a Results post to a Player, without using Author. It's important to keep in mind the Employees will be very limited on what they will be able to do with the site, and we are trying to keep things easy. So while I can build what I need to with USER ID's, it would be best if employees could choose by name.
I'm very open to trying anything different from how I envision thing, so long as my goal is met.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
This didn't elaborate nearly enough, but I think it's on the right track.
Is there a similar example that we can see?
I do, but I would like to share it privately.
What is the link to your site?
I would like to share it privately.