but it seems the url parameter must be the term id, which is the value of the term in the select.
How could I get the term id from my view ?
Thank you.
Is it that you want a select value on a form Pre-selected when the user visits the form ?
Yes, precisely.
Will this preselection based on some previously inserted value or will it always one set value.The value is set in a view showing the post with a button ; the button is set to send a URL parameter to fill the form.
Hi, Shane is currently unavailable but will return tomorrow to continue working on this request. Thanks for your patience. I have activated private reply fields here for you.
I'm still a bit confused on what you are trying to achieve. Could you possibly provide some screenshots that could provide more detail because your original posts mentioned pre-filtering the view but this new post mentions some ID. Are these 2 different issues ?
Oh I'm sorry, yes, they are 2 different issues... I got mixed up.
Please see this URL : /nouvelle-demande-de-commande/?id_produit=706&id_offre=748&prix_unit_v=250000&qte_v=2&monnaie_v=XOF&incoterm_v=DDP&delai_v=5&pays_v=7
In it, "pays_v=" has value "7", which is a term ID for a taxonomy.
Now I have this CRED form where I need to get this URL parameter to populate the taxonomy field, so I have set a cred field like this
Its not possible to populate a CRED form element using the URL parameter, you will either need to set the value as a default selected option in Types when the field was created or allow user the select the options.
Its not possible to populate a CRED form element using the URL parameter,
This is not true at all ! On that same form you may look at the hidden fields (display:none) where you may see I populate text fields, number fields, select fields, email fields using URL parameter. It works alright. My problem is specific to the taxonomy.
You are absolutely correct. However checkboxes seems to function differently since they require a checked state, however i see no reason why it should not work given that select items are similar in a sense.
Could you provide me with a sample url containing the pays_v value.
Yes, please just add "/nouvelle-demande-de-commande/?id_produit=706&id_offre=748&prix_unit_v=250000&qte_v=2&monnaie_v=XOF&incoterm_v=DDP&delai_v=5&pays_v=7" to the domaine name.
Thank you.
Please check again here : /nouvelle-demande-de-commande/?id_produit=706&id_offre=748&prix_unit_v=250000&qte_v=2&monnaie_v=XOF&incoterm_v=DDP&delai_v=5&pays_v=7