I created a custom checkbox field to display in a user form (to allow admin and site authenticated users to edit their profile) and i would like to insert a conditional display :
1. admin role only is able to check ou uncheck the box on users profile
2. if checked : front end display for users is not a checkbox (because i don't want other users to be able to check or uncheck) but a tick symbol.
I inserted this conditional field in my user form but on the front end users are still able to check or uncheck the box :
You can use Access to control the visibility of whole field groups (which could include just a single field), but that would only help either reveal or hide the field in your form, not to show something else in its place (i.e. the tick).
[types usermeta='my-checkbox-field' current_user='true' state="checked"]What i want to be displayed on the front-end if checkbox is checked.[/types] (and i did the same for "unchecked" box).
I better understand now how it works :
1. I created custom user fields to edit users profiles --> in the admin panel it displays the checkbox field that the admin user is able to check and uncheck.
2. I created a form with these fields I inserted in a front-end page to allow other users to edit their own profile. I used [types usermeta="my-checkbox-field" ... ] instead of [cred_field field="my-checkbox-field" ... ] to display the result of this field (that only the admin user is able to edit in the user edit admin panel).