Tell us what you are trying to do?
I want to compare a group of custom fields then display the value of the custom field with the highest value.
Here is an example:
I have 5 custom fields to show what % of people take which transport to work.
Here are my 5 custom fields and each of them has a value associated with them.
cf-transport-uber - 10
cf-transport-car - 50
cf-transport-bus - 20
cf-transport-train - 15
cf-transport-bike - 5
I want to compare all these 5 custom fields and show the custom field with the highest value. In this case, it is cf-transport-car.
Can Toolset do this?
One idea that I have is by using conditional WHAT/IF outputs.
For something like this you should really register a custom shortcode.
That shortcode would get each of the custom field values for the current post, determine the highest, and return which field it belongs to (or a user-friendly text version, e.g. "Car"), depending on your needs.
The tricky-ish part is knowing which field the high value belongs to, and I'd probably put the fields (the slug, or a text label) together with the values in an array and sort the array by values, so that the key of the first element of the sorted array is the text you want to return.