After adding the code, the dropdown menu continues to contain only administrators. There is one subscriber user existing but it won't show in the dropdown.
function wpdocs_add_subscribers_to_dropdown( $query_args ) {
// Use this array to specify multiple roles to show in dropdown
$query_args['role__in'] = array( 'contributor', 'administrator', 'subscriber' );
// Use this array to specify multiple roles to hide in dropdown
$query_args['role__not_in'] = array( 'editor' );
// Unset the 'who' as this defaults to the 'author' role
unset( $query_args['who'] );
return $query_args;
add_filter( 'wp_dropdown_users_args', 'wpdocs_add_subscribers_to_dropdown' );
Are you also using Toolset Access to give Subscribers rights to publish posts of that type?
If I recall correctly, because Subscribers are a role with no publication rights, you need to modify the role so that they do have publication rights, but because it is a built-in role, that may not be enough, meaning you additionally need custom code to make it possible.
But as a first step, first confirm that you have modified the Subscriber role to grant publish permissions, using Access.