Hi Christian! Thanks for this support.
I did try adding "read_private_donates" and "read_private_podcasts" as you describe.
I tried doing this without adding any custom code.
Unfortunately, this did not work for me. When I try to view my private examples of these custom post types, while logged in as the user with this custom role, I usually got a 404 "page not found" response.
Since Toolset Types offers the ability to create custom post types, it seems to me that supporting the "read private" capability, which is standard with the built-in WordPress posts and pages, should be within the scope of Toolset support, and clearly documented.
It's possible that my site has some complex code that is breaking something here, and I don't expect you to help me figure that out.
But can you confirm that, on a clean install of WordPress and Toolset Types and Toolset Access Control, you are able to:
- Create a custom post type, e.g. "book"
- Create a custom role
- Give this custom role a custom capability, "read_private_books"
- Create a test post of type "book" and publish it as Private
- While logged in as your custom role, you can view this private post, but not edit it.
If all that works for you, then I will consider this resolved and keep digging to resolve the problems of my own particular site.
But I want to be clear that this does work, because Toolset Types should support this as part of creating custom post types.
Thank you!