I use dynamic sources in paragraph blocks; e.g. an @ symbol from fontawesome and then a website taken from dynamic sources.
Here is an HTML sample:
<p><i class="fas fa-at">
<span data-provider="__current_post" data-source="toolset_custom_field|feldgruppe-sample" data-field="website" data-uniqueid="5" class="tb-inline-field">hidden link;
I want to have the website as link of course, so how can I add the link to the dynamic website text "hidden link"?
I could use the Toolset Single Field Block for the website field (dynamic sources), but I want an icon from fontawesome to be shown before the website field: <fontwesome icon> <website field> and the website field content should be displayed as a link. Is this possible with Toolset Single Field Block?
I thought that this is not possible, that is why I used a standard paragraph block as shown in the html above. Problem with this approach is that the website field content is not displayed as a link, but just as simple text.
What do you suggest?