I am trying to install the Toolset starter theme and load the default layout content.
I started my site with just the Toolset Types plugin and defined a CPT, custom fields, and a custom taxonomy. I then added some templates to the theme I was using and added the custom fields. This worked pretty well but I wanted to create a front-end form for adding the CPT so I decided to buy the full set of tools and use the basic Toolset theme.
After loading Views, CRED, and Layouts and setting up the registration key I then uploaded the Toolset starter theme. When I activated it I did not see the installer option. I then deleted all the plugins and the theme and reloaded the theme from scratch as the documentation seemed to
imply I needed to have the starter theme load the plugins for me. When activating the starter theme I still don't have an option for running the installer. Is there anyway to just get the default layouts loaded? Thanks for any help.
I understand you want to have the default Layouts that Toolset will create on demand when running the Installer.
You need a fresh Database for this.
If you previously had Toolset installed the Installer won't run.
1. Create a Fresh Database
2. Add the Toolset Starter Theme to your wp-content/themes
3. Activate it in the Dashboard
4. Run the Installer.
You can set up a new Database locally, as an example, or on a staging site, so you can look at those generated Layouts and even export/import them to your existing site!
Let me know if this is allowing you to proceed the work 🙂
I installed this on another site and was eventually able to load the plugins and demo layouts. I had to run the installer multiple times, and needed to manually activate the Woocommerce Views plugin before I could get the demo layouts to load. Seems like it would be friendlier to have an exported file of these layouts available for download from your website. Thanks for your help.