Sorry, I have searched your site and all I can find is shortcodes and tutorials on using the Block editor.
I am building a custom single post template page in PHP and I need to display my Google map showing the single listing as a marker on the map. Where do I find the documentation for that?
I've been trying to use this:
<div id="js-wpv-addon-maps-render-my-map" style="width:400px; height:200px;" class="wpv-addon-maps-render js-wpv-addon-maps-render js-wpv-addon-maps-render-my-map " data-map="my-map" data-generalzoom="6" data-generalcenterlat="0" data-generalcenterlon="0" data-fitbounds="off" data-singlezoom="15" data-singlecenter="on" data-maptype="roadmap" data-showlayerinterests="false" data-markericon="" data-markericonhover="" data-draggable="on" data-scrollwheel="on" data-doubleclickzoom="on" data-maptypecontrol="on" data-fullscreencontrol="on" data-zoomcontrol="on" data-streetviewcontrol="on" data-backgroundcolor="" data-cluster="on" data-clustergridsize="60" data-clustermaxzoom="" data-clusterclickzoom="on" data-clusterminsize="2" data-stylejson="//" data-spiderfy="off" data-streetview="off" data-markerid="" data-location="" data-lat="0" data-long="0" data-heading="" data-pitch=""></div>
but the shortcode documentation doesn't tell me much about
- is this an ID that I make up and just needs to be unique, like any other html ID, or is it looking for a specific ID ?
The above code is supposedly the shortcode for
but it doesn't render anything - just a blank rectangle and no error messages in the console.
I have the address and lat/long co-ordinates - I just need to know how to actually render the map. I was previously using my own map, but that clashes with Toolset Maps (errors about including the maps API multiple times on the same page).