For example: a platform is "Fiverr" and best-platform is "best platforms to make money with logo design".
The two types are connected with a many-to-many relationship. In this relationship, there is a URL for the signup page. I use a view in best-platforms to display every platform connected to it. How can I check if the URL of the relationship is empty (while in the view)?
Once you have Post relationship setup you will be able to see all the related field when you click on Fields and Views button in the views loop editor, There you can select the appropriate custom fields and In the insertion dialog, click on the Post selection tab and select to display data for A post related to the current post, set by a Types post reference field.
You can use the inserted shorcode with wpv-conditional output,
for eg: if the shorcode for the related field is
[types field='register-url' item='@post-page.parent'][/types]
Then the conditional to check if it is empty will be
[wpv-conditional if="( '[types field='register-url' item='@post-page.parent'][/types]' eq '' )"] Display some thin here [/wpv-conditional]
To validate the field is not empty in the conditional statement change eq to ne