Hi there, my site slowing down.
upon research found out that at wp_options there is high auto load numbers, in facts its number 1 in the query
SELECT option_name, length(option_value) AS option_value_length FROM wp_options WHERE autoload='yes' ORDER BY option_value_length DESC LIMIT 10
wpcf-fields : 230523 kb thats about 0.23 mb is that concern ?
i notice another thread on this
https: //toolset.com/forums/topic/autoloaded-wp_installer_settings/
wp_installer_settings was #2 high auto load at 112264kb.
will this code solve the issue for #2 ?
define( "OTGS_DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATES", true );
I am not sure about this.
I requested more details about the development process from the lead developer and will update you in regard.
Meanwhile, if you see a performance issue on your site related to Toolset, best is to (on a test site for example) try with Toolset only and eventually provide us access and a copy of that site.
I can then have a look, and see if I can pinpoint the issue's source.
I will need to know an URL where I will see the performance issue on the front or backend and a copy of the site:
We will work on improvements to this in a future development cycle of WPML.
It is not directly bound to Toolset alone, unfortunately.