I see you were chatting with Christian about this, but the thread is in the unassigned queue, so let me help out.
Before I noticed your chat I looked at the link you shared and got the gist of what you need, and the solution I was going to suggest was to use a numeric custom field.
In your question you ask about using the ID or the title, but when it comes to filtering a View to find posts that have numbers within a certain range then custom fields are really the only option.
See my sample screenshot, where I'm specifying the top and bottom of the range I want to return with shortcode attributes, but you could equally use URL parameters, for example.
You say that you imported the data such that the post ID was the same as the pottery ID. That sounds dangerous as a strategy, because if new posts are published it could interfere with your scheme, but it does suggest that you were already able to isolate the numeric part of an ID such as A1067, which is what you need to do.
So, a pre-requisite of being able to handle this in any remotely sensible way is that you can import the data so that it has a custom field that stores the numeric value.
We're importing from a spreadsheet and using WPAllImport, so I'm pretty sure it's possible to do what you're suggesting. We already have a CPT for 'Patterns' with the fields that we need to store the data for the font end, so is it simply a case of creating a new field to store the pattern number again? Also, how will this approach handle the numbers that start with a letter A1001 for example?
OK, sorry, I didn't spot that there was a mix with and without letters.
That gets more complicated.
If you were able to prepare the data such that the custom field was populated with a fixed number of characters then you might be able to do this with a string comparison rather than comparing as a number.
Let's worry about simply being able to query the posts between certain ranges first, before worrying how to enter the range to be queried too much.
If you were to compare as numbers then
1119 > 987 > 122
But if you compare the same as strings you would have
987 > 122 > 1119
Which you can fix with
1119 > 0987 > 0122
And which you can also introduce numbers with, e.g.
A1119 > 01119 > 00987 > 00122
So, might that work? Your post titles are the numbers and or letter-numbers as required, but the custom field which is used to order and filter the posts is a fixed length string with front-padding as required.