I am trying to: get the events listed in date order rather than post date order. I had the identical query on another site. Support topic can be seen here: https://toolset.com/forums/topic/views-event-list/
I've tried to implement the steps mentioned, however when I try and add the code , I can't activate the snippet as I get the warning: toolset_snippet_security_check() or die( 'Direct access is not allowed' );
Hi, Shane is on holiday this week but I'll be glad to take a closer look. Most likely there's a syntax error in that event-feed.php code snippet. As a test, please log in with FTP and go to /wp-content/toolset-customizations/ and rename the file event-feed.php to be event-feed.php.bak
Then you should be able to reactivate Types and Views in wp-admin. Test that out and make sure, then download the event-feed.php.bak file. Copy the contents and paste here for me to review. Do not upload a picture of the code as a substitute for copy+pasting the code, it's not as useful.
Thank you that's worked! I can now access the backend. One issue I'm still having is getting the events date order displaying correctly. What is the shortcode for the event date, as opposed to the post date?
One issue I'm still having is getting the events date order displaying correctly.
Can you show me this problem on the site? Where can I find it?
What is the shortcode for the event date, as opposed to the post date?
If I'm not mistaken, the event date is managed by The Events Calendar plugin. I'm not sure how to display their event date information with shortcodes. I suggest checking their support area here https://theeventscalendar.com/support/
I need to know where I can find this View on the front-end of your site to see the problem. When I check in wp-admin, I only see one published View (#2997) and the content scanner says this View is not displayed anywhere on the front-end of site. Where are you looking when you say "no posts are displaying currently"?