I am having a problem with my main Content Template.
I am using Generatepress pro and when I use a layout template everything is great - there are theme overrides available on the edit page (see screenshot - hidden link)
I have been using the Disable Elements function to turn off the page titles on my archive page Layout Templates.
Unfortunately, when I use a Content Template, in conjunction with Beaver Builder, the Overrides are not available on the edit page. (See screenshot: hidden link)
I would just use css to "display:none" the title but I cant figure out how to do that for the specific section I use the Content template on.
You can see the problem here - I need to get rid of the stock page title: hidden link
There are theme overrides on the edit pages for the individual entries - but I have 800 entries and don't want to have to check the No Title override for all 800, I would rather delete the title at a template level.
I checked this and found that when Layouts is not active you can see the Generate Press theme options while editing a Content Template, which should work.
If you activate Layouts but are not using it to create a template and are using Views Content Templates instead, the theme options are not shown.
We don't seem to have allowed for the possibility that you might want to use Layouts in some places on your site but not others.
I'm escalating this to see if we can get this changed.
In the meantime, I suggest you try de-activating Layouts, editing the Content Template in question and setting the theme options, then testing it works as expected on the front end.
Then re-activate Layouts and see if the theme options are still applied even though you cannot change them.
Would it be cleaner if I redid my Content Template as a Layout Template? Will it slow my site down to use the Content Layout with a Page Builder. I love the ease using Beaver Builder - but page load time is definitely a priority.
I don't expect you to see significant differences in performance.
Strictly speaking I would expect the following in terms of load times:
1. Views Content Template without any page builder
2. Template Layout created with Layouts
3. Views Content Template designed with a page builder (e.g. Beaver)
But, unless you are on a busy site with underpowered shared hosting, I wouldn't expect you to notice.
I'll leave this ticket as escalated while my colleagues look at it and see how and when we can "fix" it (it is a grey area whether it is a bug, usability problem, or feature request).
I'll update you when I know more next week (no need to reply).
Sorry Chris, while reviewing older unresolved threads I see that this one fell through the net and I never got back to you.
I don't have much to share in any case.
At the time the workflows when using Layouts expected you to use it everywhere, hence it is intended that if Layouts is active you don't see the theme options, because you are expected to use Layouts to create all templates.
Hence the best solution when adding a page builder to the mix is to not use Layouts at all.