I am trying to: Access Toolset > Settings
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
I expected to see: The settings page
Instead, I got: a 504 Gateway timeout.
In working with Christian on a separate issue (https://toolset.com/forums/topic/help-setting-up-term-pagination-in-term-archive-pages/#post-1104604), he advised me to go to Toolset > Settings.
The page hangs for me and times out. Christian confirmed that it does this for him as well.
I contacted my host SiteGround and they looked in the server logs to find any information to explain the timeout, and couldn't find any errors to explain it. They also were unable to get to the Settings page despite their best efforts.
Thanks for your help in investigating this!
Hi, we can turn on some other logs temporarily to see if any details are collected. I would do this myself but the FTP information provided isn't working for me. Go in your wp-config.php file and look for
define('WP_DEBUG', false);
Change it to:
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
Then add these lines, just before it says 'stop editing here':
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);
ini_set('error_log', dirname(__FILE__) . '/error_log.txt');
Then try to load the page again in wp-admin. If any server-side errors are thrown, this will create an error_log.txt file in your site's root directory. Please send me its contents. Once that is done, you can revert the changes you made to wp-config.php.
If no log file is written after the gateway timeout message, I'll have to try working on a site clone.
Hi Christian,
Sorry for the trouble getting into my FTP. I have other credentials you can try if needed.
I went in and modified the file. Debug mode was already on, but I added the other three lines.
I went to the Settings page and saw the timeout error. No error log was created in the root of the site. 🙁
I changed the file back to the way it was.
I have had trouble creating a clone of the site with duplicator (maybe my site has lots of old, large files) in the past.
Let me know what I should do. If you send another secure form, I can give you other FTP credentials, too. But I did follow your instructions.
Okay please use the private fields to provide updated FTP information and I will take a look. I have access to a couple of other backup tools that might work. If not, I can work with a backup of your database.
On my local copy of the site, loading the Toolset > Settings page takes a very long time. I turned on Query Monitor to see what's causing the problem, and I see Layouts is calling WP_Query->get_posts() 6600 times. That's most likely why the page times out on your site and throws a 504 error. As a test, I deactivated all non-Toolset plugins and the number of queries called by Layouts is back down to around 120. So I then tried reactivating other plugins to determine the source of the conflict. On my copy of the site, it's Relevanssi. As a quick test, can you deactivate Relevanssi on your site and check to see if you are then able to access the Toolset > Settings page? If so, then I will be able to ask my 2nd tier support team to investigate this in more detail. I can't imagine that 6600 queries is normal for one plugin on this settings page.
You are amazing! Yes, I deactivated Relevanssi and was able to get to the Toolset Settings page no problem.
Thank you!! I will leave Relevanssi deactivated to make the necessary shortcode changes, and then reactivate it for now.
If your 2nd tier support comes up with a fix, I'll then leave Relevanssi active all the time.
Thank you, thank you for your diligence on this.
PS Just for the record, looks like my search results are actually much BETTER without Relevanssi active! Thanks.
I'm happy to close this ticket if you don't want to pursue this. I don't think I need Relevanssi. Should I keep it open so you can look into it anyway, now that it's a known issue?
It's an exception on your site, I can't reproduce the same issue on other sites with Layouts and Relevanssi active. So if you're satisfied without Relevanssi, I think we can close here. If you need to reactivate Relevanssi, we can revisit this issue later.
Yay! Closed. Thanks so much.