Tell us what you are trying to do?
I am trying to build a front-end login with Toolset Blocks.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
I know how to build front-end login with the now legacy Toolset Views shortcodes but I am not sure how to use the [wpv-...] shortcodes in blocks.
Is there a similar example that we can see?
This is a staging site but you certainly can imagine what I'm talking about.
What is the link to your site?
See previous point.
Recently I had to say goodbye to my former habit of building sites with Toolset Layouts and Views. Since the PHP update to version 8 those 'legacy' plugins seem to be no longer compatible with the PHP environment. Since I also see some advantages I decided to turn to a new site building method based on Astra Pro and Toolset Blocks.
In the age before Gutenberg I would build my front-end login page as follows:
[wpv-conditional if="('[wpv-current-user info='logged_in']' ne 'true')"]
[wpv-login-form redirect_url="url to some page"]
Forgot password?
[wpv-conditional if="('[wpv-current-user info='logged_in']' eq 'true')"]
Hello [wpv-user field="user_firstname"], You are already logged in!
The lost password page had the following structure:
[wpv-conditional if="('[wpv-current-user info='logged_in']' ne 'true')"]
Fill in your username or email address and click the button Receive new p[assword.
You will receive an email with instructions how to set a new password.
[wpv-forgot-password-form redirect_url="url to login page"]
[wpv-conditional if="('[wpv-current-user info='logged_in']' eq 'true')"]
In order to make a new password you have to logout first.
<div class="button">[wpv-logout-link redirect_url="link to lost password page"]Logout[/wpv-logout-link]</div>
As you can see we are using the following shortcodes:
[wpv-login form] with redirect option
[wpv-forgot-password-form] with redirect option
[wpv-logout-link] with redirect option
This system was very versatile and easy to set up a user friendly front-end login/logout and password recover functionality with full control over the redirections after the various stages.
What I am looking for now is the same functionality in the "new" Toolset Blocks era.
My specific questions are:
1. Can I build front-end login/logout and password recover functions with redirection with ths same functionality as above described?
2. Are the [wpv] shortcodes still applicable in blocks, and, if yes:
a. How?
b. Will they stay applicable in the furure?