I am trying to: I want to create a Questionnaire FORM for LOGGED IN MEMBERS. That syncs with their USER PROFILE
I visited this URL: NA
I expected to see: Not sure if this is possible? (So far with Toolset - everything seems possible.
How would I go about creating an 'interview form' that is for LOGGED IN MEMBERS - that syncs with their user profile - without asking for their USER info again.
Will making a new CPT work? I do not want to publish their'Interview Questions" - but just want it to be a part of their USER profile.
Instead, I got:
Dear Jean,
I assume we are talking about the custom user fields created by Types plugin.
Your users do not need to input it again, you can display them where you want with Types shortcode. see our document:
Adding Fields to User Profiles
Displaying WordPress User Fields
You can also create CRED form for your user updating their user fields value: