Hi I have put an edit form in a view so it shows the form in each row.
When i tick the tickbox Email request and click the update button it does not trigger the email notification.
If select the edit delegate which takes me to the full edit post form page and tick the email request it works.
Hi Shane
That makes sense, I will make the mod.
Can I have the field on the form but hide it ?
The email address would have been populated when we added the delegate in the first place.
Also can I get the update button inline with row , does not look good. ?
I am not using layout tool as I am a DIVI site
Yes you can have the field and just hide it with some css, so long as the field is there. Since it is an edit form the field will auto populate with the user's email.
Usually we can do this with Bootstrap but now since you are using Divi its actually not possible unless done with manual css to setup the columns in expert mode.