I need to setup a form that requests the user to enter data and based on the submissions shows you woo products based on the conditions set.
So it gives them options to choose and creates a bespoke quote based on the selection.
So for instance, they request 5 products of type x, it will show them that they also need for instance a licence for those product types etc etc. This is then priced up and sent to the client and the store owner so they can further discuss the requirements.
Hi, there's nothing exactly like this built into Toolset. Forms can be used to generate a custom post from the front-end of the site, but it doesn't come with built in calculations for price. You might be able to get around that with some custom code, but it also depends on the types of inputs you expect to include in the Form, and how those inputs translate into outputs in the quote. For example, a repeating row of inputs is not possible to implement in a single Form, and would have to be broken up into multiple Forms. Can you show me a mockup of the Form you'd like to include? I might be able to make some recommendations.