I am using this post form for more than 5 years and did not have any problem till now. Post form I use for submissions on my festival suppose to send email notification to email field included in the form and to a specific email (see photo), but does not do that any more. First two submissions did send, after that nothing any more, just stopped, I do not know the reason. Please help me solve this problem, it is important that submitters receive information what they submitted, and for me is also important to know who and when.
Looking forward to your answer.
With email issues there are two potential failure points: the message didn't get sent, or the message was sent but didn't arrive.
Could you please add a mail logging plugin (e.g. https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-mail-logging/) to your site and then check its logs when you expect emails to have been sent to see whether it says they were successfully sent or not.
When you have some results, please share them with us.
Hi Nigel,
thank you for your answer.
After installing mail login plugin I have made test submission and I did receive information about sending form. Did installation of this plugin solve the problem or...? What can be a reason that stopped working suddenly?