Hi - I'm creating a directory site where users can register to create their company listing to be displayed on the site. On the My Account page for registered users I can display all the companies they have created, for them to manage, by filtering by Author.
I want the ability for multiple users to be able to manage the same company listing. Is there a way for the user who created the company listing to be able to assign this company to a different user, so when that user logs in they will be able to see the company listing they have been assigned to?
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
By default - there will be only one author for the post.
You can still control the listing by role but not per user as there is no such feature available.
If you want to control the listing by role, you should create a post group but again, then other users will not see any listing posts created by other users as your view is set to filter by current author.
So, basically, there is no native feature available so that you can assign a single listing to multiple users. It could be possible if you add a repeating numeric field that should hold the user IDs and then filter your view based on that repeating numeric custom field rather than post author field. It may have some limitations but could work but you have to check first.