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I have been reading up on this in the docs and support tickets, but want to make sure i pick the correct setup from the getgo, based on what IS, and is NOT, possible with repeatable field groups for a post type.
1) For my example we will focus on a rentals website, with a post type of "rentals", wtih all content coming from users via a front end form.
2) A user posting a property can either post a listing describing a SINGLE property, ie via single custom fields for things like price, number of rooms, number of bathrooms and date available OR a post with a "floorplan" where multiple variations can be entered for each of these things, which would require a repeating field group.
3) It is important that the SEARCH/FILTERING of posts uses one search filter (ie a filter for price should filter posts regardless of whether was entered for a post describing just one property for for a price value within a repeating field group.
2) Posts in this post type will have custom fields for various things as single fields like location fields, description etc that are the same regardless of whether the post describes just one place with single fields or uses a repeating field group. These fields must also be used as filters in a view.
4) I am not sure if having "single" custom fields when is only about one place AND having repeating field group which include the SAME custom fields is even possible.... or if i have to use different and unique fields in the repeating field group even if is "about" the exact same thing (for example number of bedrroms). If I cannot use the same custom fields in a repeating field group, then that basically means i cannot search both with same filter, ie would basically have to filter TWICE, which for user on front end would be confusing and all in all ineffective.
5) Am not clear on how flexible we can display field values from a repeating field group. In my example, if a user creates a post and in the repeating field group creates 4 entries, each with different values for price, number of rooms, bathrooms and availability, in a single post template am I able to display the RANGE of these values somehow? for example under the title show "Bathrooms: 1-5" and Rent: $500-$950"? I know i can display the results in a table but wasnt clear on how easy it is to access and display repeating field values, and ideally with ranges like described....
6) IF repeating field group fields cannot be identical(ie the exact same field) to singular custom fields (like number of bedrooms), and be filtered together with one search filter in a view, then i will basically HAVE to all have all data for the post, regardless of whether it will have multiple values for a field or not, as a repeating field group so everything CAN be filtered via one filter. But I want to make sure that filtering post results with repeatable field groups is just as effective, and that we can filter multiple fields, easily enough in a vew just like with standard single field custom fields.....