1. The issue with the database error is due to the missing database column autodelete_intermediary - this issue is not solved by adding that column manually as it usually is, and I am waiting for the Types developer to let me know if and how we can fix this.
It might be due to migration. Did you migrate the site (database) at some point?
In any case, as we have the solution to this I will let you know.
The relationships where all created with the new methods, so here is what I suspect happened:
- you tried to create relationships
- nothing happened, the list staid empty (due to the error)
- you eventually gave up adding "Relationships" and that's why there are a few leftovers
That would explain why there are relationships but you mention do not have any. We will find the solution to this missing column issue and bring it back working on your site as well (where, this feature is dysfunctional, at the moment)
2. The issue with the Search options is positively and confirmed, solved on the database dump I received from you.
This is what I did:
- I tested several old plugin versions to confirm, this issue was present since ever
- I updated WPML and removed icl_sitepress_settings (renamed)
- I visited WPML > Languages and setup Italian <> English with your trick (to navigate back and then forward again)
- At this point, no complaints were made by the plugin and I finalized the wizard
- I was asked to update the database (button to click, from WPML)
- I had to reset the Language in Folders and the Language Switchers. I had to resave permalinks and I went to the WPML > Troubleshooting page to run thru (note, that might not be needed and be careful with):
-- Corregge il confronto della colonna element_type in icl_translations nel caso in cui questa impostazione venga modificata per la colonna posts.post_type.
-- Aggiunge informazioni sulla lingua agli articoli e alle tassonomie che non includono questi dati.
-- Correggi il conteggio dei termini in caso di problemi con il contenuto tradotto.
I then loaded /en/pubblicazione/book/ and it's italian pendant, the search is not anymore affected by the pagination.
I attached here (my post is private again) BOTH Database duplicates.
This is the one I received from you and stripped down a little, so to debug it:
hidden link
This is the one I took now, after the steps I outlined above, and hence, the working (fixed) database but still with the PHP error, that will require Developers to look at, as explained:
hidden link
This database could help to re-instantiate a fresh copy of the site or to see how it is working after the sitepress options are re-created.
Please let me know if you see any issues with that - I would otherwise suggest trying that on a staging site to apply it later on your live site.
I will update you as soon I have news about the missing column error of Types.