Unfortunately you won't be able to do this because you require that the post reference posts be prefiltered by the a taxonomy to then filter your posts.
Is your view going to be on the page that the post reference field is linking to ?
If so then we can filter by the post reference field as well as the taxonomy of the post.
OK, then how can we prefilter post reference posts by taxonomy?
Unfortunately that won't be possible to do given that the how the Post Reference field filter works. There is also no public available API for you to filter reference field values.
Secondly this can be worked around by adding a taxonomy filter to the view as well. Is your view going to be filtered based on the current page where it is being displayed?
Hi shane,
it's me again 🙂
I've changed the CPT A's (post referenced) taxonomy for an select field.
Then, when in the view I filter CPTs B posts by CPT A's (post referenced) select field, this appears in the filter options and all seems to be fine, but doesn't works (don't display any post).
I will need to look at an example on your site to see if everything was setup correctly.
Would you mind allowing me to have admin access to the website so that I can have a more detailed look at this for you ?
Please where applicable please provide me with a link to an example page where I can see the issue.
I've enabled the private fields for your next response.
The reason why your view is returning no results is because you're filtering for a custom field that is not on your Training Actions CPT.
Given that your view is displaying this post type you can only filter your view by the custom fields that are attached in the field group below. hidden link
What Post Type is the Course Topic custom field on ?
Hi Shane,
yes, this is the issue because I opened this ticket.
I want to filter post types "Training Actions CPT" with the value of the field "Temàtica del curs" from the Course CPT , wich is referenced from "Training Actions CPT".
As mentioned previously this actually won't be possible to do.
You can only filter your posts by Attributes of that post. You won't be able to filter your posts from custom fields on a different post type. This will result in no items being displayed because that data is not present on the CPT being filtered.
Essentially what you're trying to do won't be possible if that custom field remains on another post type.