Tell us what you are trying to do?
I have a taxononmy 'projectyear' that list and counts all the projects I have like this:
2022 (2)
2020 (10)
I would now like to filter the results with another taxonomy 'projectstatus' so that the above mentioned list only contains the projects that have projectstatus = 'confirmed'
so the result would look like this (example) :
2022 (1)
2021 (10)
2020 (10)
I use a shortcod to display the taxonomy list and I understand that I can filter with terms but I cannot make it work
Thank you for getting in touch. I use a shortcod to display the taxonomy list and I understand that I can filter with terms but I cannot make it work
When you say filter it by terms are you referring to filter Taxonomy A by the terms of Taxonomy B ?
This is what I understand from the wording of your issue. However this isn't possible to do, you can filter Taxonomy A by Taxonomy B because Taxonomy A and B are not linked.
Hi Shane, ok I get this. In that case I would pull all the records That have Taxonomy A (projectyear) and Term "confirmed" of Taxonomy B (projectstatus). I only oputput the Taxonomy A . This would look like this
How can I group the output to only show each year once like
This would also deliver the desired result, I have found a lot of results with Google but all the answers werw archived already 🙁
Hi Shane, sorry if I was not clear. It is a Post view filtered by Taxonomy B (projectstatus = "Genehmigt) showing only the field Taxonomy A (projectyear) . Sinc I have several Projects (posts) per year the output produces a list like thiss
I would now like to group this output as i would do in SQL with the Group by command so that each year is only shown once and I can link it to the respective archive page.
If I use a taxonomy view I get all posts with Taxonomy A which is not what I want . they have to be filtered by Taxonomy B.
Thanks for your help, I hope this is more clear now, I am really stuck here
I understand a little better now and believe I may have a solution here. However would you mind allowing me to have admin access to the site so that I can assist better. Looking at what you currently have and your output will allow me to get an idea of the full picture.
Please also send a link to the view you are using as well as the frontend page that you are listing out the display.
Ok so I believe I have a bit more context now on the issue. Basically you want to list out the taxonomies
However if you're to list it without filtering the posts you will get only
2022 (2)
2020 (10)
Basically you want in the numbers count you only want posts that have a specific taxonomy value in Taxonomy B to be included in the count which would result in this below.
2022 (1)
2021 (10)
2020 (10)
Essentially this below gives you want you want. hidden link
Please let me know if this helps. I managed to use the nested views below to achieve the goal. hidden link