I have a CPT called 'Reps' and a Repeatable Field Group within called "contacts" which is a list of people and their respective contact info.
I want to be able to filter Reps by the names of those people, which is a field called 'contact name'.
I am using classic views to generate this view, so i added a filter with the field in question. however it doesn't work. when i search for "bob" no posts are displayed when there should be at least one.
Hello and thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
The Toolset Repeatable Field Groups are based on one-to-many relationships, so each item of Reapitable Field Groups is also a single post. Toolset does not allow to filter two related post types at the same time. You will have to filter the generated custom post type(contacts) for your repeatable field. Then you will have to display their parent post(Reps) instead.
Below some similar tickets that may help too:
- https://toolset.com/forums/topic/searching-repeatable-fields/
- https://toolset.com/forums/topic/filtering-a-view-by-a-date-field-in-a-repeating-field-group/
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