I am trying to:
Filter posts to show only posts from the last 7 days. I've tried almost every combination and nothing works - but this is what i think I'm supposed to be using:
Published date is after or equal to: week:PAST_ONE(1)
Nothing seems to work. I can get it show the right posts, but then it also shows old posts
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
It's just in a normal view
I expected to see:
ONLY posts from the last 7 days (including today)
Instead, I got:
Posts from the last 7 days as well as much older posts
Although there are a lot of documented options for date-based filters, a simple "within the last week" type filter isn't possible without some custom coding.
We are currently in week 18. The week: PAST_ONE(1) refers to week 17. But not just of 2019, but of any year. You could also add the current year, but then you hit problems at the start of the year.