in attechement some screenshot of a template I made where I've a list of Date's Custom Fields.
I try to filter the list with the date (greater o equal than...) but it doens' work correctly.
Toolset date custom fields are stored as UNIX timestamps, i.e. the number of seconds since 1 Jan 1970.
If you add Query Filters for these date fields, they should be compared as NUMBERS and not as DATES (a different format).
If you add front-end filter controls for such date fields then the value submitted must be a timestamp. It's not reasonable to think that users are going to enter a timestamp in a free-form text box, so you should insert the filters with the default datepickers, which will convert the date selected by users to a timestamp before submission.
Hello Alex and thank you for contacting Toolset support.
For support rules, we are able to handle only one issue at a time. This helps us to bring you a better service and also helps other users to find all the information here exposed. For that reason, I have created a new ticket to handle your latest request.
If you believe that your initial question was answered, please mark this ticket as resolved.
The datepicker should already be localised in Italian if the site language is Italian.
I just tested that on my local site and it worked correctly (screenshot).
If it is not working for you can you check if it works when you switch theme (e.g. to twentytwenty) and disable non-Toolset plugins?
If that doesn't help we may need to take a closer look at your site to identify the problem, for which we'll set up a private reply to get credentials from you.
But first please check if there is a conflict from your theme or another plugin.
Regarding styling, you'd need to use CSS to override the existing styles.