I created some posts with repeatable fields using the beta version of all plugins.
I am trying to create a filter that filters the custom post types based on some fields within the repeatable field group belonging to that post.
For example I have candidates and underneath I have a repeatable field called education
Each education item contains a college name. I want to filter candidates based on the college they went to. How can I do that?
Thank you
Let me ask my 2nd tier support team for the most up-to-date information about this. I know in the past it was not possible to filter a View of post type A by fields in another post, but I'm not sure exactly how that translates to the new RFG feature. Stand by and I will let you know what I find out.
Okay the most up-to-date information I have received is that this feature is not yet developed. The current beta versions allow you to display repeating field groups and their fields, but no Query Filters or User-controlled filters are implemented. I've requested some additional information from our developers regarding the roadmap for these features, and I will update you through this ticket when I receive some additional information.
Hi Christian, Thank you. It is a very important feature imo. I am hoping it is not too far off.
Looking forward to hearing when it would be available
Sure, I will update you through this ticket if I hear something soon.
Hello, I am looking for this functionality as well. Is it available yet?
I am also looking for the functionality!