On some pages the fields and views I selected to be displayed on the frontend don't display anymore. A few still do, but the majority just doesn't show.
Example page: hidden link
The fields that still work are the embedded ACF fields: "Werkdagen" and Opvangdagen".
Age (Leeftijd) is shown but does not correspond with the actual age in the backend.
I make a mixed use of fields called directly:
"{!{types field='fieldName'}!}{!{/types}!}"
and views:
{!{wpv-view name="viewName" idName="{!{wpv-post-id}!}" cached="off"}!}
A page that produces the content as intended (older staging site): hidden link
I updated Toolset and WP, but can't tell if this was the trigger or that it occurred prior to this.
To me everything looks fine (except for the output), so what could be wrong?
Darn! I changed slugs to match the CSV to be imported... It was a long weekend... should have thought of this earlier...