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[Resolved] Encountered an error with plugin activation of views. mapplic stops working

This support ticket is created 8 years, 3 months ago. There's a good chance that you are reading advice that it now obsolete.

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices.

Last updated by maximD-2 8 years, 3 months ago.

Assisted by: Nigel.


I am trying to:

use Mapplic Plugin on a wordpress site with toolset being used on the site to generate other content. Toolset is not used itself to generate the output.
The mapplic shortcode itself is placed on the page and working fine until I activate Toolset Views.

I visited this URL:
hidden link

I expected to see:
Mapplic map being screened

Instead, I got:
no map shown, if Views is deactivated I get the output I want but no output from views for other content anymore



Languages: English (English ) Spanish (Español )

Timezone: Europe/London (GMT+01:00)

Mapplic is a commercial theme I don't have access to for testing, so could I please take a snapshot of your site so our developers can investigate further?

You can give me credentials to access your site and create a backup, or you could provide one yourself at a public url (such as dropbox or google drive) which we can use for testing.

You can use one of these backup plugins.

* Duplicator. You will need to create and upload both the installer and archive packages as shown in the demo video on their plugin page: You can omit un-required files such as .log, .zip files and media files to reduce the archive size.

* All-in-One WP Migration. If you have problems with duplicator you and use this instead. But note I can only import archives up to 512Mb in size. If they are not relevant to your issue, you can omit media files which will reduce your archive size.

I will mark your next reply as private.

Thanks for your patience.



Languages: English (English ) Spanish (Español )

Timezone: Europe/London (GMT+01:00)

Screen Shot 2016-06-03 at 14.14.02.png

Yes, I meant commercial plugin, not theme, of course.

Thank you for providing a copy for testing.

I created a simple View to display posts and then added the shortcode for that View and the mapplic shortcode for the first demo map onto the sample page of a fresh WordPress install and found that the map displayed beneath the View as expected. See the attached screenshot.

So, it seems as if the conflict may arise elsewhere.

Could you please make some additional tests?

First, your theme. Could you switch to a default theme such as twentysixteen and see if the problem persists.

Assuming it does, could you deactivate all plugins expect for Types, Views, and Mapplic. Do you still see the issue? If the issue disappears, you could reactivate your other plugins one-by-one until the problem re-appears.

If none of this helps then I would need a copy of your complete site for testing, so I will again mark your next reply as private in case you need to provide me with credentials or a backup link.


Thank you Nigel,

your advice sent me on the right path to solve the problem.
Using a view to show the mapplic content on another page made me realize there was a template problem existing.

Somehow Views activated the general use of a content template which obstructed the normal php content template. Might have just resulted from me trying something out.

So no problem there between Views and Mapplic.
Issue solved.

Thank you for the support, sometimes one just needs some other perspective to find the problem 😉

With best regards


This ticket is now closed. If you're a Toolset client and need related help, please open a new support ticket.