In this site my client need do automatic send an email alert to the user when an announce is expired (after 30 days). I'm thinking in including a custom date field like "Valid until" and I need to create a routine (crono job or other) to send emails to the users alerting them for renewing the announce.
Can I do this with Tool-set? Is there any tutorial for some thing similar?
Thank you. I have a quick look, and also find a demo site in Discover WP.
Maybe that helps me.
But in this case, all posts are published by the site admin, and there is no need to such a complete solution.
If I could, in some way, set a custom field with a date value and another field with the email to send an alert based on that date value... that would be perfect.
Do you have any suggestion for that? Even if I add to code a little!
Well - the thing is that the post-expiration settings can be activated from the Toolset form.
For instance, lets say you created a new Toolset post form to Create new entry for post type "Student" and checkmark the checkbox "Set expiration date for post created or edited by this form", then in admin you will be able to see the post-expiration meta box setting.
Setting from form:
=> hidden link
Setting in admin when you add/edit post for post type "student" at top right side of page:
=> hidden link
I think you need to create a form for your post type even if you are not going to use it and then try to publish the posts by setting the post expiration settings from admin add/edit post.
Can you check if this way helps you to resolve your issue.
I have created a form for that post type and set the expiration date to 1 April 5:00 am after expiration change the status of the post to pending review. But I verify now the post is not in pending review status.