We are using the post id to hide and show the markers on the map using the range filter on the top of the page. We use JS to set the visibility of the marker based on the year data the users provide. The post id is used to identify which post goes with which location.
This had worked for months prior to a plugin update and now we get double the markers. Changing the marker_id=" " has not resolved the issue. We still get two markers for one location.
I also suspect that this is also causing the massive load time because it has to call double the locations.
Please see the attached image for an example... or type the following in your browser console to see the issue.
Additionally, if you are doing testing for this I created a test page with a duplicate view for you to look at and resolve this issue.
Website Page: hidden link
Test View: Test-Map-Page
This is a live site that we need to get working for next week so we will be doing something to try and hide the markers until you are able to stop the plugin from generating 2 markers for 1 location.
What steps did you take to not get this issue? Can you duplicate your version so we can see what you set up?
We also set up a local version an we are getting the same issue. Did you set up a new view that just pulls basic information in or are you replicating the view that we need?
It might be tedious to resolve, however I found that when i found the items that have the duplicate, remove the addresses and re-add them, they are no longer duplicated on the frontend.
I tried this with the Calcutta, India post and it works.
So i suspect that the issue is really stemming from the address. I tried to replicate but it seems something in your environment caused the issue.