You have previously provided PHP code snippet to draw a line between markers, which I found works very well
I have attempted to modify it with a couple of statements, the purpose being to only connect the first marker found to the last marker found. I'd really appreciate it if you could take a quick look and see what I'm doing wrong in the code
function initMap() {
var mapid ='map-8';
var map = WPViews.view_addon_maps.get_map(mapid);
var markers = WPViews.view_addon_maps.markers[mapid];
if(markers.length == 0)
var $i = 0; //added 2 lines
var $x = markers.length;
var tripCoordinates = [];
var latLng;
// loop over all the markers and create an array of lat lng objects
for(var marker in markers){
// added test
if ($i == 0 || $i == x ) {latLng = {
$i=$i +1}; //added
// create a new polyline using the coordinates array, and add it to the map
var tripPath = new google.maps.Polyline({
path: tripCoordinates,
geodesic: true,
strokeColor: '#FF0000',
strokeOpacity: 1.0,
strokeWeight: 2
$( document ).on('js_event_wpv_addon_maps_init_map_completed', function( event, event_settings ) {
} );
} );
//added 4 lines only
Hi Nigel,
Thanks for the reply
I understand this is normally outside the scope of support, however, I'm just starting out with toolset and this will help me get familiar with the capabilities
The original article is #916035, by Christian Cox
Hopefully this is the link you need:
I would really appreciate anything you can do to help
I added two statements near the top:
var $i = 0;
var $x = markers.length;
// and I added a test to limit output of lat/lon to one line (between the first and last marker)
if ($i == 0 || $i == x ) {latLng = { <<<---- added test
$i=$i +1}; <<<--- added
I can see that you are using the wrong code. As this is a Javascript code, you should define the variables i and x without $ sign.
Can you please try to use the following code and I hope that will help you to resolve your issue.
function initMap() {
var mapid = 'map-2';
var map = WPViews.view_addon_maps.get_map(mapid);
var markers = WPViews.view_addon_maps.markers[mapid];
if(markers.length == 0)
var tripCoordinates = [];
var latLng;
var i = 0;
var x = markers.length;
// loop over all the markers and create an array of lat lng objects
for(var marker in markers){
if (i == 0 || i == x ) {
latLng = {
i= i +1;
// create a new polyline using the coordinates array, and add it to the map
var tripPath = new google.maps.Polyline({
path: tripCoordinates,
geodesic: true,
strokeColor: '#FF0000',
strokeOpacity: 1.0,
strokeWeight: 2
$( document ).on('js_event_wpv_addon_maps_init_map_completed', function( event, event_settings ) {
} );
} );
Thank you, I believe it works after your changes
However I have to manually enter a hard value for markers.length because markers.length returns "undefined"
Is that possible?
Also thanks for your help, sorry I took so long to get back to you
However I have to manually enter a hard value for markers.length because markers.length returns "undefined"
As this is a custom code and I do not know yet how you added the view or plot the markers on the map, if it shows "undefined" once I check the things on your install I can guide you in the right direction or you can for now if its easy for you, you can change it manually.
send me a problem URL where you added the map as well as access details.