I am trying to:
Edit my Woo products and am seeing literally dozens of Toolset Woo elements on product pages.
I created a staging site and deactivated every plugin except Toolset and Woo and this is still happening.
I also activated the default WP 2023 theme and still getting all these elements on Woo products.
English (English )
Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
You will have to access the database in order to delete those unwanted custom field groups with "Toolset WooCommerce" while keeping it the original. You should just remove the empty "Toolset WooCommerce" custom field groups.
Here is the related ticket where I've mentioned the solution. Before applying the solution, please make full backup of your database so in any worst case you will have backup to restore it.
- https://toolset.com/forums/topic/toolset-woocommerce-custom-fields-replicants/page/2/#post-2062653
I will review the support ticket you referred to.
but why did this happen? I would like to know why this happened.
In other words, this is not a "user error" and a solution telling me to delete entries in the database without offering what caused this is not ideal.
The average user can't edit the database, especially since the "user" didn't cause this to happen.
English (English )
Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)
We are still investigating why this is happening but did not found the core cause and core action due to which that is triggering the multiple Toolset WooCommerce custom field groups. That is why the workaround we share is quick fix.
Do I delete all db entries with Toolset WooCommerce?
Sounds like an awful lot of entries that will need to be deleted from the database from the link you shared earlier!
I'm not sure I'm comfortable making such big edits / deletes in the database.
English (English )
Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)
Here is the reference ticket with more sophisticated solution if you would like to follow with explanation why its happening.
- https://toolset.com/forums/topic/multiple-woocommerce-groups/#post-2563023
With above solution you will not have to edit your database directly.
Hmm. Perhaps I'll give that a try. I've not added any customization though to Woo so would this solution still work?
Great, that worked 🙂 thank you. I'll keep tracking to see if those elements come back.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you!