1. We have included File upload as an option in our custom post type 'Case Study'. We want users to download the uploaded case study file. How do we link the file to "Download Case Study" button.
2. Before downloading the file, we would like to get user data as shown in screenshot. Kindly help on how we can set it up?
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
1. We have included File upload as an option in our custom post type 'Case Study'. We want users to download the uploaded case study file. How do we link the file to "Download Case Study" button.
You can build the anchor tag and set the custom field as source of the href attribute. For example;
<a href="[types field='audio-url-veber' output="raw"][/types]" download>Download Case Study</a>
2. Before downloading the file, we would like to get user data as shown in screenshot. Kindly help on how we can set it up?
I see based on the screenshot you shared, you want to grab the information from user using the popup but there is no such feature offered by Toolset to grant information using popup. Even its not clear that if you want to store those information, if yes, you will require to create a Toolset form to grab the information from the user and to store the information you will require to create a post type.