I have now added sorting controls, and this causes the same problem as the Distance filter does, so I figured since I will need to get this fixed for the sorting controls (those are not optional) I decided to add the distance filter back.
I've now got 4 separate problems that I'm hoping you can find fixes or workarounds for:
1) As I mentioned before, I manipulate the filter controls so I can make them look better and initialize the accordion control when the page loads. I use this code:
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) {
$(".accordion").on("click", ".heading", function() {
Without this code executing, the accordion doesn't work, the checkboxes are hidden and the labels are dark grey.
When I do any of the following: (enter a distance filter location, enter a distance filter value, change the sorting), the filter controls seems to re-initialize and revert to the way it is when the page loads (before the JS code above executes).
2) The "updating the view" spinner still appears every time a filter input (like a checkbox) is changed and the Search button still doesn't do anything when clicked. i have a feeling that this is related to 1) above.
3) In addition to entering a distance location causing the problem in 1) above, it also just doesn't work—meaning the posts in the view layout do not actually get filtered.
4) Not only does changing the sort order cause the problem in 1) above, changing the sort order has no effect on the order of posts in the view layout, and the selected radio button does not change.
I can provide admin access to this site if you want to inspect.