In my view, I can't find the option "display unique items only" when I want to display the product categories by filtering the products
Can you help me?
en fait j'ai une liste de produit que je dois afficher via un filtre sur un custom field mais dans une premiere vue je souhaite affiche les categories de produit. Seulement il y ades catégories qui se répètent sur la page.
Comment faire pour qu'elle ne se repetent pas ?
JE vous joint une capture da ma vue fairte en bck office et une vue du front
Ok - as I understand you want to display only terms that is assigned to your product post and do not want to repeat - right? If yes:
Can you please share problem URL where you want to display that unique taxonomy term names and admin access details.
*** Please make a FULL BACKUP of your database and website.***
I would also eventually need to request temporary access (WP-Admin) to your site. Preferably to a test site where the problem has been replicated if possible in order to be of better help and check if some configurations might need to be changed.
I have set the next reply to private which means only you and I have access to it.