The archive gallery grid has a pagination enabled but the pagination doesn't not appear beyond the first page of search results categories. For example, one filter option "Collage" has 57 items but the first page of 16b shows without pagination to access the remaining.
I'm sure I missed a step in setup, can you please help?
Thank you for getting in touch.
Would you mind allowing me to have admin access to the website so that I can have a more detailed look at this for you ?
Please where applicable please provide me with a link to an example page where I can see the issue.
I've enabled the private fields for your next response.
The issue with the pagination on the archive page should now be resolved. Can you check on your end and let me know if everything is ok.
Secondly the page listing your 12 posts is created with elementor so I suspect that you will need to use the elementor settings for this block to add a pagination so that you can go to the next page that is listing the next 2 posts.
It's because of how I setup the pagination. Right now when you're on the first page the previous button link isn't present, only the Next button and the pagination numbers.
If you were to paginate to the 2nd page you will notice that the pagination will now become centered.
Should you not want this and only have the page numbering then you can change this in the pagination settings for your archive template.