Tell us what you are trying to do?
I have 2 post types:
1) Qualifications
2) Clients
I have made a many-to-many relationship between these two post types so when you add a qualification you then tag the client this is assigned to.
I am trying to create a search & results view to only show the qualifications assigned to that person, would this mean I would have to create a view for each client?
Is there any documentation that you are following?
Is there a similar example that we can see?
What is the link to your site?
Hello, you can probably do this with just one View. The configurations for the Query Filter depend on where you plan to show this View of Qualifications:
A. On the Client single post page
B. Nested inside a View of Clients
C. Somewhere else
In A, you can configure the post relationship Query Filter to be: " related items of the post where this View is shown." This sets the Client relationship based on the current page.
In B, you can configure the post relationship Query Filter to be " related items of the current post in the loop" This sets the Client based on each result of the View, and makes sense if you want to have a list of Clients and nest inside that list another list of related Qualifications.
In C, you can use an arbitrary value in a shortcode attribute to set the Client dynamically. This technique is called passing arguments to views and is described here:
You could also choose a static Client in the post relationship filter.
Let me know if you have questions about these approaches.