what I need is : whatever the number of results, they should be displayed with the same size, like 1/4 of the desktop width.
Currently if I have only 1 result 1 loop item is displayed as 100% width in 1 column, if I have 2 results they show up as 50% width each in 2 columns, if I have 3 results they take 1/3 each of the desktop width in 3 columns, and if I finally have 4 results they are displayed in 4 columns of 1/4 width each.
I only have 2 CPTs at mom but when all CPTs are going to be imported some queries will still show 1 results. And I want all results to be displayed with the same size whatever the number of results.
I can achieve that with CSS setting a max width of 25% for each loop item but I thought I could achieve that directly when selecting a grid display with 4 columns within Toolset views.