Tell us what you are trying to do? Display a view that uses custom fields in a repeater on a parent relationship page
What is the link to your site?
Parent Location page with event showing, its on a tab. This is a location CPT content template hidden link
Need to display event from parent page on this child page that uses a content template, events. hidden link
I created a copy of the view and placed it on the events page, I tried adding item='@location-events.parent' to the shortcodes but displays no events even though there is one showing on the parent page.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Can you please check now:
- hidden link
I've created the following view that will help us to display repeating field group items:
- hidden link
- You can click on the "Edit with Block editor" button and add the fields you want to display for repeating field group item.
With your edit content template page:
- hidden link
I've added the above view as given under by adding shortcode block at top of the content template.