Tell us what you are trying to do?
Browse inventory query results filter by wpcf-equipment-category using URL parameter.
The ideal if Commercial Bus is selected would be. hidden link
Instead it goes to: hidden link
wpv-wpcf-equipment-category values are numbers 1,2,3,4,6
For some reason, it's filtering out wpv-wpcf-equipment-category using the display value in this case "Commercial Bus", it should just set it to 2.
Is there any documentation that you are following?
Is there a similar example that we can see? hidden link
Thanks for the access, The display style of the select option in the filter is overridden by a different plugin or theme which renders the options in dropdown format that uses only the Display value as the option value which is causing the issue.
Screenshot : hidden link
By inspecting the source it seems like the style override is coming from the theme, If there is any option in the theme settings to disable the select style give a try, If not kindly check with the theme support for further assistance.
Yes, I can see what you mean.
I have looked on the theme settings and nothing to disable with the override. I will try their support and see what they suggest. Please don't close the ticket.
Kindly note that the ticket will be automatically closed if there is no reply for more than a week.
In case if the ticket is closed and you need further assistance, you can open a new ticket referring to this thread, We will be happy to help you.
We're not getting any response from the theme developer yet.
I wonder if there's anything we can tweak on the plugin side so it doesn't get affected by the theme?
I am afraid there nothing can be done from our end, Since the styles are loaded on the fly please try the Javascript snippet that might help , However you might have to add some styling to the drop down to make it look better
The code hides the override done by the theme , Try adding the Snippet the the theme option js section or you can also add that in the view custom js section
(function($) {
// here $ would be point to jQuery object
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.stm_select').removeClass('stm_select') ;
$('.stm-select__val, .stm_select__dropdown').hide();
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