I am using WP Carousel hidden link to create an image carousel for every Woo product category.
When I insert their shortcode in the actual product category description, the carousel works fine.
However, I need to make this more dynamic and I also need to display the carousel outside of the product category description, so I created a Toolset custom field that appears on Taxonomies: Product categories
But when I create my Elementor product category template, that Custom Field is not available in the dropdown.
I suspect that the elementor template you're creating is for a post type and not a taxonomy archive. If such is the case then you won't have access to the Taxonomy meta fields unless you're building an archive that is listing out the taxonomies.
So the term meta fields are only accessible on Taxonomy archives and views that are listing out taxonomies.
Actually it's a Products Archive linked to the Instance: Product categories, so I would assume it's a taxonomy archive?
I tried with a simple Elementor Archive, but that does not offer more options.
Is there another way to link the unique WP Carousel shortcodes to the corresponding Woo category?
Unfortunately the Product Archive isn't a taxonomy archive. The only way I see this working is to continue using the description field that is on the taxonomy.
Also you can double check with the elementor support team to see if Taxonomy custom fields are supported by their dynamic content option.
Hi, we are using a Category archive not a Product Archive, unless a Category archive becomes a Product Archive once you use the Elementor Products Archive widget, I'm not sure but to me it seems like a Taxonomy archive.