I have an issue. I am trying to display the results of a comparison in a table where :
1st column contains only the labels (row 1 : title of custom post, row 2 : name of taxo 1 etc until row 20).
and then the 3 other columns contains the value of the 3 custom post selected to be compared (on the same order of course as the order of the 1st column).
I hesitate between all the layouts, which type of layout fit for such a use ?
a normal table ? a table-base grid ? or a boostrap ? (to avoid changing code)
1) I want to make a table or a list group but it must be proportionnal.
For example, on this screenshot : hidden link
You'll see that because of the value of a taxonomy, it make different size and the table is not proportionnal.
2) I want to add a column in which I'll put the title of each taxonomy. Where should I do it ? In the view ? In the Layout ?
3) How can I delete the space between each product column ?