Hi Support team,
I am trying to display a Suggestion Posts (Products) below the single product page content and these suggested products should display only in the color (Custom field) that is for a current product. But I am not sure how I can filter the results in the suggestions products view to display the products in the Same color.
For example. I viewed a product in its page and its color is Red, So below the Product contents, I wanna add another Toolset view that can display all other available products in the same Red color. So if in Database, there are other products in Red from different Categories then those products should be displayed in the Single Product page.
Please watch the video I am attaching URL here. hidden link
Thank you for such a detailed explanation of the issue.
Actually where you have the filter for the Color saying Shortcode Attribute, you can actually type in an attribute that you want to use in your view shortcode to filter for the color.
Lets say you put "color" in that space, then you can filter your view by the color shortcode attribute.