I was expecting to see only the parent term displayed, but it displays all the terms separated by comma. How can I display only the Country term or the City term, not all of them?
Also is there a way to display ONLY one category term if a post has been selected with more than one category?
In order to achieve this you will need to create a taxonomy view to display the terms for your post. Once you've created the taxonomy view by going to Toolset -> Views you will need to match the settings like I have them in my screenshot.
This will allow you to display the terms that are parents when you add the view to a page. Ofcourse you will need to populate the with the correct shortcodes using the loop wizard in order for the items to display.
To display the children only you will need to create a child view and add it to the parent taxonomy view within the wpv-loop tags. You child view will have the settings of my first screenshot.
So for the child view you will only need the taxonomy parent filter as the child terms that will be displayed will be based on what the parent is displaying.
Thanks for your help. I've created a View to display one category and that is solved.
Regarding the Taxonomy view it's not working properly. So, I've created the Parent View as instructed, created the Child View and add it to the Parent View loop.
However, if I set no limits, it displays all the children of the Taxonomy. If I set it to 1, it displays the first one (in alphabetical order), but not the relevant one to the post.
Example: I have a post about London, which has been selected for the Taxonomy with the Parent Taxonomy term (Europe) and the child taxonomy term (England). However the view outputs "Germany", even though the post is not tagged with this term.
The Taxonomy is display hierarchically. Basically, if a post is tagged with Europe — England — London, I want to display on the last two (England and London).
Thanks for that. So, I've tried it, but it doesn't work again.
I either get just one of the term "England" or I get two terms "Europe" and "London". I've tried several combinations of the settings and none displays just "England" and "London", which what I want to do.
I've attached two screenshots with the settings I have this moment.
I've updated now. For some reason, I wasn't receiving the Toolset updates notifications, despite having a valid subscription.
It's Views is now updated to version 3.2.2, but it has completed ruined the site. It seems that there is some incompatibility with SG Optimizer. Apparently it breaks the site if the following option is enabled:
"Combine JavaScript Files - Combine your JavaScript files in order to reduce the number of requests to the server."
This wasn't happening with the previous version of the Views.
I managed to fix the issue now, here is a test page where i've added the view just to ensure that the results are now correct. hidden link
Secondly I would recommend that you leave this option disabled as I know that some JS optimising plugins can cause issues like this, not just with our plugin but with other plugins as well.
Yes this is possible, if you check the parent view, just remove the [wpv-taxonomy-title] shortcode and you should only have the child terms displaying.